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dijous, 10 de març del 2011

Dangerous minds



1. Who are the main characters in the film?

Louanne Johnson: A retired U.S. marine. She is the teacher.
Emilio Ramírez:
Hal Griffith:
Raúl Sanchero:
Callie Roberts:
2. Why does Lou Anne accept the job?
Because she need to find a job.
3. Is Lou Anne getting the student's attention? How?
Yes. By teaching them karate and reading them poems by Bob Dylan.


1. Are the students learning poetry?How?
Yes, by listen Bob Dylan's poems.
2. What's the prize for the contest?
One dinner in a fancy restaurant.
3. Who are the winners?
Emilio, Raúl and Durrell.
4. Who's finally going?
5. What do they have for dinner?
Two chikens.
6. What's Raul's problem?

7. What's Lou Anne's offer?

6. What's Callie's problem?

7. What's Emilio's problem?

8. How is Lou Anne helping Callie?

9. How is Lou Anne helping Emilio?

10. Is Emilio asking for help to the principal?
No, he isn't.
11. What happens to Emilio?
He died at the end of the film.
12. Is Lou Anne leaving the job? Why?
Yes, because the students insisted a lot.

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