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dijous, 2 de juny del 2011

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

1. What were the crusades about?
The crusades were a religiously military campaigns for restore the Christian control of the Holy Land. The crusades were fought over a period of nearly 200 years (1095-1291).
2. How about the same period in Spain and Catalonia?
Spain continued in the crusades into 15th century.
3. Where's Robin Hood at the beginning of the film?
He's in Jerusalem.
4. Why is Azeem with Robin?
Spain continued in the crusades into 15th century.
5. Where do Robin and Azeem go?
They go to England.
6. Who are the outlaws? Where do they live?
The people who fight against the Sheriff of Nottingham
7. What happened to Robin's father?
The Sheriff of Nottingham killed him.
8. Who's Lady Marian?
The sister of Peter, the comrade of Robin.
9. Why do Robin and Azeem join the outlaws?
Because the Sheriff of Nottingham want to kill them.
10. Why do they fight against the Sheriff of Nottingham?
Because the Sheriff had Marian.
11. Can you explain how the film ends?
Robin kill the Sheriff of Nottingham and he marry with Lady Marian.

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